All Underused, All The Time...

Every single one of the words and phrases you are about to read are underused. It is your duty as a visitor of the Underused Website to say each one of these words out loud, preferably to another human being, and then, if you are underused enough, you should use these words in your everyday conversations, wether you know what they mean or not. Thank you for your time.

Underused Words
-Amuck: in a violent uncontrolled manner
-Binge: to go on a spree
-Buffered: shielded
-Candelabra: an onament branched candle stick
-Debauchery: extreme indulgence in sensuality
-Denude: to put on clothes or coverings
-Didley: (slang)nothing
-Enjambment: the running over of a sentence from one verse or couplet into another so that closely related words fall in different lines
-Eyelet: a small hole for ornament or the passage of a cord
-Feaze: to disturb the composure of
-Fetid: having a heavy offensive smell
-Foible: a minor failing or weakness in character
-Fowling Piece: a shot gun for shooting birds and small quadrupeds
-Geatish: being of the Geats
-Gonadotrophic: acting on or stimulating the gonads
-Habitual: having the nature of a habit
-Hake: a marine food fish
-Haycock: a somewhat rounded conical pile of hay
-Inasmuch As: in view of the fact that; since
-Ibex: wild goats
-Incalculable: not calculable
-Interwoven: blended together
-Isolationism: policy to stay isolated
-Jalopy: a dilapidated old vehicle
-Jape: to joke
-Juxtaposition: act or instance of placing two or more things side by side
-Lobotomy: surgical severance of nerve fibers connecting the frontal lobes to the thalamus for the relief of some mental disorders
-Locoweed: any of several leguminous plants of western No. America that cause locoism in livestock
-Masthead: the top of a mast
-Mastery: possession or display of great skill or technique
-Mellifluously: having a smooth rich flow
-Naysayer: one who denies, refuses, opposes, or is skeptical or cynical about something
-Ninnyhammer: a great fool
-Olio: a miscellaneous mixture
-Oratorio: a lengthy choral work usually of a religious nature consisting chiefly of recitatives, arias, and choruses without action or scenery
-Overused: used too much
-Parabola: something bowl-shaped
-Plenitude: an abundance
-Politesse: politness
-Poltroon: a spiritless coward
-Quasi Automatic: semi automatic
-Quid: a cut or wad of something chewable
-Quoth: said
-Quixotic: foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals; especially marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action
-Rad: radical
-Ragamuffin: a poorly clothed often dirty child
-Rectify: to make right
-Receptacle: container
-Sexagesimal: of, relating to, or based on the number 60
-Taboo: banned on the grounds of morality and taste
-Tact: a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense
-Underused: not used enough
-Unit: a single quantity regarded as a whole in calculation
-Unorthodox: not orthodox
-Unsex: to deprive of the qualities typical of one's sex
-Whom: objective case of "who"
-Whoopla: boisterous merrymaking
-Xeric: characterized by, relating to, or requiring only a small amount of moisture
-X-ing: to mark with an x
-Yonder: at or in that indicated more or less distant place usually within sight
-Zee: the letter "z"

Underused Phrases
"That's the ticket!"
"I have been sandbagged!"
"I kid you not!"
"If the world didn't suck we would all fall off."
"Gee Whiz"
"Give me some sugar!
"I'll clean your clock!"
"I'm cooking the books."
"That's the long and short of it."

Other Underused Items
Paper Towel Rolls
Table Tennis
Oil of Vitroil
Whipping Posts
Dent Corn
Geiger Counters
Kashmir Goat
Vincent's Agina